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Library Documentation

Video walkthrough

A 50-minute video walkthrough for PriMIA can be found here

Documentation for the individual components

This section describes what the individual components of PriMIA do.

  • configs This folder contains the configuration files. torch contains the config.ini files which are used for configuring the training process. websetting contains files for usage with WebSocket/HTTP training over the network. Documentation for these files can be found here

  • data This folder contains the dataset used in our publication and case study. After running make <symbolic/minimal>_server folders, a server_simulation folder appears here which holds the data for the VirtualWorker nodes. The train and test folders hold the original dataset. The two .csv files contain metadata and labels.

  • docs This folder contains the documentation source and is not needed by the end user.

  • figure_scripts This folder contains scripts for re-creating the figures for our publication. It is not needed by the end user.

  • model_weights This folder does not always exist. It will be generated after a training run and stores model weights and a .csv file with the training metrics.

  • Node This folder contains the code for setting up a PyGrid node. Documentation for how to use this can be found here

  • site This folder contains the HTML and CSS for the documentation. It should not be changed by the end user

  • syft This folder contains the PySyft source code. It should not be altered unless you really know what you are doing.

  • torchlib This folder contains all the utility modules (the engine room) for PriMIA.

    • contains the CombinedLoader class which is the main dataloader for PriMIA and loads image and medical image files. It also contains various utility functions required for PriMIA's operation and ways to load both the supplied paediatric pneumonia dataset and the MNIST dataset which can be used for experimentation.
    • contains the logic for loading DICOM files. Documentation for the module can be found in the module's source.
    • contains the logic to run hyperparameter optimisation with Optuna. Its documentation can be found here
    • contains the models available in PriMIA, a simple CNN (called simpleconv), a VGG-style CNN and the ResNet18 used in our publication
    • is a utility script to quickly run a set of WebSocket/HTTP servers to train models. It is not required for operation since servers can be run directly from the Node module.
    • contains the entire logic for federated learning. If you are interested in the internals of PriMIA, this is where to look.
  • DATASET_LICENSE This is the license for the dataset used, which is different from the source code license. Please read the license and use PriMIA and the data only in accordance to its terms.

  • doc_requirements.txt This is the requirements file to build the documentation. It is normally not needed by the end user.

  • environment_torch.yml This is the preferred way to install dependencies. See here for more information on setting up dependencies and an environment to run PriMIA.

  • This is the entrypoint to perform (encrypted inference) with PriMIA and implements the core logic. If you are interested in the internals of encrypted inference, this is the file you are looking for.

  • LICENSE This is the license for the source code, which is different from the dataset license. Please read the license and use PriMIA and the data only in accordance to its terms.

  • Makefile This file contains a large amount of pre-made recipes which can make (pun intended) your life much easier. See here for how to use these recipes.

  • mkdocs.yml This is a configuration file for the documentation. It is normally not needed by the end user

  • This contains the GitHub readme. It is not needed by the end user.

  • requirements.txt This is the other (and not preferred) way to install dependencies. See here for more information on setting up dependencies and an environment to run PriMIA.

  • This is the entrypoint to test a trained algorithm on data which is already set up in named folders identical to the ones in our dataset. It is a convenience script to obtain model metrics and does not represent the main use-case for PriMIA.

  • This is the entrypoint to federated or local model training and contains all the logic of the training loop. If you are interested in how training in PriMIA is carried out, this is the script to look at.