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Dataset Description

The dataset in this repository is being re-used under the license terms from the CoronaHack Chest X-Ray Dataset on Kaggle and modified as indicated in

Original citation for the majority of the images:

CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0

The following modifications were made to create a dataset of frontal chest X-Rays of children and adolescents:

  • All adult images (based on ossification status and/or degenerative changes to the spine) were removed. Example:

  • All non frontal (i.e. not PA or AP) images were removed. Example:

  • All CT-images were removed. Example:

  • All non-grayscale images were removed. Example:

  • All images considered of non-diagnostic quality were removed. Example:

The final training set consists of 5163 images, the test set of 624 images.

The original metadata file was modified to represent the new dataset. Labels were encoded as follows:

Label Description
0 Normal
1 Bacterial Pneumonia
2 Viral Pneumonia

The original metadata file is data/Chest_xray_Corona_Metadata.csv and the new one is data/Labels.csv.